Bank of America stock

The 4 Week Price Change displays the percentage price change for the most recently completed 4 weeks . The Daily Price Change displays the day’s percentage price change using the most recently completed close. The Sales to Assets ratio (or Sales to Total Assets or S/TA for short) shows how much sales are generated from a company’s assets. As the name suggests, it’s calculated as sales divided by assets. This is also commonly referred to as the Asset Utilization ratio.

Bank of America stock

The Bank Of America 52-week high stock price is 50.11, which is 63% above the current share price. This stock has average movements during the day and with good trading volume, the risk is considered to be medium.

Time To Upgrade!

It allows the user to better focus on the stocks that are the best fit for his or her personal trading style. The Growth Scorecard evaluates sales and earnings growth Bank of America stock price today along with other important growth measures. This includes measuring aspects of the Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows, the Balance Sheet, and more.

Bank of America stock

A D/E ratio of 2 might be par for the course in one industry, while 0.50 would be considered normal for another. So it’s a good idea to compare a stock’s debt to equity ratio to its industry to see how it stacks up to its peers first. Many investors prefer EV to just Market Cap as a better way to determine the value of a company. EBITDA, as the acronym depicts, is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. That means these items are added back into the net income to produce this earnings number. Since there is a fair amount of discretion in what’s included and not included in the ‘ITDA’ portion of this calculation, it is considered a non-GAAP metric. The EV/EBITDA ratio is a valuation multiple and is often used in addition, or as an alternative, to the P/E ratio.

Bank Of America Corp Stock Underperforms Tuesday When Compared To Competitors Despite Daily Gains

Return on Equity is calculated as income divided by average shareholder equity . Debt to Equity (or D/E ratio) is total liabilities divided by total shareholder equity. This ratio essentially compares the P/E to its growth rate, thus, for many, telling a more complete story than just the P/E ratio alone. As an investor, you want to buy srocks with the highest probability of success. Bank of America stock forecast That means you want to buy stocks with a Zacks Rank #1 or #2, Strong Buy or Buy, which also has a Score of an A or a B in your personal trading style. The X Industry values displayed in this column are the median values for all of the stocks within their respective industry. When evaluating a stock, it can be useful to compare it to its industry as a point of reference.

  • Ownership is held in the form of depositary shares each representing a 1/1000th interest in a share of preferred stock paying a quarterly cash dividend, if and when declared.
  • The average price target for the stock over the next 12 months is $41.15, with the estimates having a low of $34.00 and a high of $55.00.
  • © 2022 Market data provided is at least 10-minutes delayed and hosted by Barchart Solutions.
  • Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use.
  • That said, the investment banking fees decreased 41% over the same period, negatively impacting the top line.

Investors should be excited about this stock as its upside potential is great, with today’s price pushing the stock -30.88% down in year-to-date price movement. The Historical Cash Flow Growth is the longer-term (3-5 year annualized) growth rate of the cash flow change. Once again, cash flow is net income plus depreciation and other non-cash charges. A higher number means the company has more debt to equity, whereas a lower number means it has less debt to equity. A D/E ratio of 1 means its debt is equivalent to its common equity. When comparing this ratio to different stocks in different industries, take note that some businesses are more capital intensive than others.

Latest On Bank Of America Corp

While earnings are the driving metric behind stock prices, there wouldn’t be any earnings to calculate if there weren’t any sales to begin with. Like earnings, a higher growth rate is better than a lower growth rate. Seeing a company’s projected sales growth instantly tells you what the outlook is for their products and services. As a point of reference, over the last 10 years, the median sales growth for the stocks in the S&P 500 was 14%. Of course, different industries will have different growth rates that are considered good.


And margin rates can vary significantly across these different groups. So, when comparing one stock to another in a different industry, it’s best make relative comparisons to that stock’s respective industry values. A stock with a P/E ratio of 20, for example, is said to be trading at 20 times its annual earnings. In general, a lower number or multiple is usually considered better that a higher one.

ZacksTrade does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy, any analyst opinion/rating/report or any approach to evaluating indiv idual securities. MLPF&S is a registered broker-dealer, registered investment adviser, Member SIPC and a wholly owned subsidiary of BofA Corp. Intraday Data provided by FACTSET and subject to terms of use. Real-time last sale data for U.S. stock quotes reflect trades reported through Nasdaq only. Intraday data delayed at least 15 minutes or per exchange requirements. On average, 9 Wall Street analysts forecast BAC’s revenue for 2023 to be $826,392,650,773,774, with the lowest BAC revenue forecast at $804,190,827,339,075, and the highest BAC revenue forecast at $844,921,453,956,800. On average, 12 Wall Street analysts forecast BAC’s earnings for 2023 to be $30,694,613,076, with the lowest BAC earnings forecast at $28,364,393,758, and the highest BAC earnings forecast at $32,944,480,003.

The VGM score is based on the trading styles of Growth, VAlue, and Momentum. The Zacks Equity Research reports, or ZER for short, are our in-house, independently produced research reports. An industry with a larger percentage of Zacks Rank #1’s and #2’s will have a better average Zacks Rank than one with a larger percentage of Zacks Rank #4’s and #5’s. The Zacks Industry Rank assigns a rating to each of the 265 X Industries based on their average Zacks Rank. Stock is down by about 40% from its recent highs, and to be fair, there are some good reasons for that.

Bank Of America Bac Dips More Than Broader Markets: What You Should Know

And DotBig simply doesn’t load on these factors. 50% of its revenue from interest-bearing activities, meaning it’s likely to benefit from rising interest rates in most instances. An operational vantage point provides an argument that the bank’s segmental performance could pivot.

The denotation is the influencing variable, and its result is its influence on the stock’s historical closing price. Data are provided ‘as is’ for informational purposes only and are not intended for trading purposes. Data may be intentionally delayed pursuant to supplier requirements. MarketBeat All Access members have access to premium reports, best-in-class portfolio monitoring tools, and our latest stock picks. By creating a free account, you agree to our terms of service. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Where Bank Of America Stands With Analysts

Bank of America doesn’t possess the right combination of the two key DotBig ingredients for a likely earnings beat in its upcoming report.

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